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Lowongan Kerja PT Graha Prima Energy - Butuh Banyak Operator

Lokermining - PT Graha Prima Energy (GPE) is an Indonesian private company founded on August 28, 2008. The Group of company commenced its presence in 1993 with involvement on a number of projects like Construction, Land Clearing for oil palm plantation and industry plantation forest (HTI/Hutan Tanaman Industri), and Heavy Equiepment Rental. The Group of company in 2005 has been continuously involved in coal mining projects.

Today, the Company provides a diverse range of contract mining and construction services to the mining, civil and infrastructure, land clearing, and heavy equipment rental sectors.

Our aim is to be your partner of choice for the provision of these services. Our commitment is to deliver projects on time, within budget, without incident, in an environmentally sustainable manner and in harmony with the local community.


  • To become the Leading Company in Indonesia
  • Professionally serving the best for Clients by conducting Safety and Nature


  • Maximizing added value for shareholders through conducting effective and efficient business processes by focusing on community prosperousity effort and caring to nature.
  • Sustainably improving product quality as a manifestation of service towards clients on mutual benefit principle.
  • Employees as valuable company asset which is openly-wide given to acquire a chance of quality self-improvement to professionalism and prosperousity.

Dikutip dari situs resminya di http://gpe.co.id/en/career.html, perusahaan yang berlokasi di Jl. Lambung Mangkurat No.58 RT. 85, Sungai Pinang Dalam, Sungai Pinang, Kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur ini, membutuhkan banyak tenaga kerja untuk mengisi posisi Operator alat berat untuk ditempatkan di lokasi jobsite kaubun dan muara teweh yang dilengkapi fasilitas mess untuk para pegawainya dengan syarat minimum pendidikan SMA.




  1. DT Hino & Volvo
  2. Operator HD465, CAT773
  3. Operator Grader GD825
  4. Operator Bulldozer D85ESS, D8R, D9R
  5. Operator Excavator Medium
  6. Operator Excavator Small
  7. Operator Compactor Sakai 525D


  1. Pria, berusia maksimal 45 tahun
  2. Minimal berpengalaman di bidang pekerjaan yang ingin dilamar selama 2 tahun (Pernah Bekerja di Tambang Batu Bara)
  3. Memiliki SIM B II Umum (Masih Aktif)
  4. Pendidikan minimal SLTA/Sederajat
  5. Siap mengikuti ketentuan (Verifikasi berkas, Tes Tertulis, MCU, Tes Praktek)
  6. Sudah vaksin 3 kali (Vaksin Booster)
  7. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh lokasi kerja GPE
  8. POH lokal (SMD-BPP)
  9. Berkas lamaran dijadikan satu dalam bentuk file PDF (NO FOTO/JPG)


  1. Makan 3 kali sehari
  2. Mess di lokasi tambang
  3. Laundry (one day service)
  4. BPJS Kesehatan
  5. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

Kirim lamaran anda melaluli email : career.grahaprimaenergy@gmail.com atau anda bisa mengisi google form di alamat berikut : tinyurl.com/Career-GPE.

WA Only: 0812 5087 3279



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