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Lowongan Kerja PT Hillconjaya Sakti - Banyak Posisi

Lokermining - Hillconjaya Sakti (Contractor), PT Hillconjaya Sakti started coal mining services in 2004 in Batulicin, South Kalimantan. We specialize in Mineral and Coal Mining Works with an open land method. And currently we grow as a trusted nickel mining contractor.

PT Hillconjaya Sakti is an expert in civil construction works, where we always prioritize the highest quality and speed. Our areas of expertise also include planning work methods as well as comprehensive planning and testing teams.

Starting from the Construction Sector In 1995 and HIllcon also expanded to enter the mining world in 2004. With Hillcon's experience and success in the Construction and Mining sector that has become increasingly trusted, we have completed more and more projects. Hillcon also wants to add Business Units in the Property and Heavy Equipment sector.

Hillcon Group, Hillcon Group started from PT Hillconjaya Sakti which was established in 1995, is engaged in civil & mining contractors.

To date, Hillcon has completed hundreds of projects, both large and small, with aspects of work safety, health safety, operating safety and the environment. Each of our projects is carried out with quality and speed of work, as well as the support of a professional workforce.

Our Vision : Becoming a Leading Company That Always Strives To Provide The Best Service And Results To All Stakeholders

Our Mission :

  1. All employees know, understand, and implement the company culture
  2. Strive to continuously make improvements in the fields of safety, quality, and speed
  3. Continuously improve the capacity of human resources
  4. Committed to supporting the company's growth in the development of the global economy through innovation, hard work, dedication and sustainable strategy

For further information please visit : https://www.hillcon.co.id/

PT Hillconjaya Sakti merupakan perusahaan bergerak di bidang Kontraktor Pertambangan dan Pekerjaan Sipil. Saat ini kami membuka kesempatan kepada para profesional untuk dapat bergabung di posisi:

  1. Driver DT 10 Roda
  2. Operator ADT
  3. Operator Bulldozer
  4. Operator Excavator
  5. Operator Grader
  6. Mekanik DT
  7. Mekanik A2B
  8. Mekanik Elektrik
  9. FM Mekanik
  10. SPV Mekanik


  1. Usia maksimal 45 tahun.
  2. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK
  3. WAJIB memiliki SIM B2 bagi Posisi Operator.
  4. Pengalaman pada posisi yang sama minimal 2 Tahun.
  5. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Site PT. Hillconjaya Sakti.
  6. WAJIB melakukan Vaksin Booster (Vaksin ke 3).

Perlu diperhatikan bahwa Lokasi Tes ada 2 yakni di Halmahera Tengah & Halmahera Timur (2 Lokasi) dan batas pendaftaran sampai dengan 20 Juni 2023

Daftarkan diri anda melalui LINK berikut ini: bit.ly/HS-JUNI-2023


Proses recruitment tidak dipungut biaya apapun!

Hubungi 081389883029 jika ada pertanyaan. (Whatsapp saja.)

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