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Lowongan Kerja PT Rhodes - Purchasing dan Operator

Lokermining - Rhodes was created in 1999 in response to the market demand for efficient, quickly deployable, economical crushing and material handling services.

We are specialists in full contract services for quarrying, crushing, screening, constructing and operating asphalt and concrete batch plants. The company provides a wide range of material handling expertise including design, construction and operations. These services can be tailored to meet individual client specifications. Plants may be hired or purchased on either a short term or long term basis.

Our Services

  • Plant Engineering and Construction

Rhodes can engineer, construct, comission a plant and train client personnel in the operations and management.

  • Maintenance

With a stated aim of ensuring maximum plant availability as part of the Company’s support system, our maintenance team, support our operations with up to date maintenance schedules and monitoring.

  • Crusher & Washing coal

Our company provide crusher for mobile and fixed for all minerals,rock and coal and washing plant

  • Management Services

Using our Company’s vast experience assist client’s in the management, operations and maintenance of client owned plant and equipment.

  • Crushing system and screening

Our company specializes in full contract services for quarrying crushing ,constructing ,screening,and concrete batch plants.The company provides a wide range of materials handling expertise including design ,construction and operation.These services can be tailored to meet individual client specification.Plants may be hired on either a short term or long term basis.

  • Dealer of Mobile Plant

Our company is dealer of striker equipment such as mobile crusher, mobile screen and conveyor

Dikutip dari situ IG resmi Disnaker Balikpapan, perusahaan kontraktor yang khusus bergerak di area pertambangan, pemecahan batu dan konstruksi yang berkantor pusat di Balikpapan ini, memiliki proyek di daerah Sangasanga, Banjarmasin, Melak, Tenggarong dan Ampah.

Guna menunjang kegiatan operasional perusahaan, dengan ini membuka kesempatan kerja kepada para pencari kerja untuk mengisi posisi-posisi di bawah ini.


Persyaratan :

  • Pria/Wanita maksimal usia 35 tahun, Pendidikan terakhir SMK/SMA
  • Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman sebagai purchasing alat berat minimal 2-3 tahun.
  • Familiar dengan Pembelian Barang Baik local, domestic & overseas
  • Profesional, gesit, lincah, Jujur, sehat jasmani dan rohani, multitasking dan mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan serta mampu bekerja tanpa selalu disupervisi
  • Berdomisili di Balikpapan / Samarinda
  • Fasih Bahasa inggris baik tulis, speaking & reading
  • Mampu bekerja dalam tekanan dan date/time line limited dlaam memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan dalam pengadaan barang/jasa
  • Mahir Microsoft Office


  • Pria maksimal usia 40 tahun, Pendidikan terakhir SMK / SMA
  • Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman sebagai Opt. Exca minimal 3 tahun. (ataupun dapat mengoperasikan juga / memiliki skill di Operator Loader / DT)
  • Memiliki SIM BII Umum yang masih berlaku
  • Profesional, gesit, lincah, multitasking dan mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan serta mampu bekerja tanpa selalu disupervisi
  • Berdomisili di Balikpapan atau Malinau (Sesayap)
  • Pernah training Operator Excavator (SIO / Jika ada)
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani, tidak buta warna.
  • Jujur, sehat jasmani dan rohani

Cara Melamar :

Kirimkan CV dan lamaran lengkap(serta copy Kartu Pencari Kerja(AK/1) ke : hrd.recruitment@ptrhodes.com


  • Lowongan berlaku hingga 15 Juli 2023

Sumber : instagram@disnaker_balikpapan

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